Adobe Illustrator Course Overview
Adobe Illustrator is a software application for creating drawings, illustrations, and artwork using a Windows or Mac OS computer. Adobe Illustrator is used to create a variety of digital and printed images, including cartoons, charts, diagrams, graphs, logos, and illustrations. Illustrator allows a user to import a photograph and use it as a guide to trace an object in the photograph. This can be used to re-color or create a sketch-like appearance of a photograph. Illustrator also makes it possible to manipulate text in many ways, making Illustrator a useful tool for creating postcards, posters, and other visual designs which use text and images together. Adobe Illustrator courses with Arcnet will provide you with valuable tips and tricks to improve efficiency and make your work come to life.
Adobe Illustrator - Basic
If you have little or no experience with Adobe Illustrator, this 2-day course will provide you with a comprehensive introduction to use all features in illustrator. You will gain practical skills to use immediately in the workplace. Learn to create, edit, design, and export. Our Illustrator master will share tips that will help you save time.
At the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Identify the components and capabilities of Illustrator
- Create basic shapes
- Create custom paths
- Create graphics that contain custom text
- Customize objects
- Customize basic shapes
- Prepare documents for deployment
Basic Illustrator Course Outline

Adobe Illustrator - Advance
Students will learn to create complex artwork using advanced tools, options, and effects prepare artwork for commercial printing and save it for the Web. Students will draw complex illustrations, and enhance them using various painting options.
At the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Drawing Complex Illustrations
- Able to use Painting Tools
- Formatting type
- Enhancing the Appearance of Artwork
Advance Illustrator Course Outline