- Associations (Code: 3AA1)
- Agriculture (Code: 3AA2)
- Branding (Code: 3AB1)
- Business services (Code: 3AB2)
- Certification program (Code: 3AC1)
- Coaching (Code: 3AC2)
- Construction (Code: 3AC3)
- Cultural and ethnic (Code: 3AC4)
- Distribution (Code: 3AD1)
- Design (Code: 3AD2)
- Education (Code: 3AE1)
- Environment (Code: 3AE2)
- Event Management (Code: 3AE3)
- Franchise (Code: 3AF1)
- Food and Beverage (Code: 3AF2)
- Finance and Banking (Code: 3AF3)
- Government Services (Code: 3AG1)
- Grooming & Etiquette (Code: 3AG2)
- Human Resource (Code: 3AH1)
- Innovation (Code: 3AI1)
- ICT (Code: 3AI2)
- Intellectual Property (Code: 3AI3)
- Knowledge (Code: 3AK1)
- Language & Communication (Code: 3AL1)
- Legal (Code: 3AL2)
- Manufacturing (Code: 3AM1)
- Mind and Mental (Code: 3AM2)
- Organizational Performance (Code: 3AO1)
- Oil and Gas (Code: 3AO2)
- Property (Code: 3AP1)
- Personnel (Code: 3AP2)
- Project Management (Code: 3AP3)
- Personal Development (Code: 3AP4)
- Quality (Code: 3AQ1)
- Retail (Code: 3AR1)
- Retirement Planning (Code: 3AR2)
- Sales and Marketing (Code: 3AS1)
- Service (Code: 3AS2)
- Safety and Health (Code: 3AS3)
- Supply Chain (Code: 3AS4)
- Specific S&T (Code: 3AS5)
- Taxation (Code: 3AT1)
- Transportation (Code: 3AT2)
- Wealth Management (Code: 3AW1)
- Youth Development (Code: 3AY1)
Soft Skill Training Calendar
***All date available upon request.
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